Kathlita is a typeface that was designed specifically for use in creating newsletters. It is an unusual typeface that appears very formal in larger sizes, but informal and highly legible in smaller sizes. It is not specifically based on any previous typeface, and has a unique look and feel. It was created using Fontographer® 2.3 from the Altsys Corporation. This is a complete typeface, including all the special characters currently supported by the Apple Macintosh. Also included in this typeface is the 1/2 fraction (option-shift-1) so annoyingly missing from every Apple typeface. The family ID number is 231.
Kathlita is being marketed under the ‘useware’ concept. Which means that you don’t have to pay for it until you actually use it on a job. Laser printer and image-setting services may include samples of the typeface in their type sample catalogs without charge. If you do actually use this typeface on a job for yourself or a customer, please send $20 to:
Pop Void Publications
109 Minna St., Suite 583
San Francisco, CA 94105
Make checks payable to Pop Void Publications. Registered owners will be entitled to free upgrades. I will also listen to their two-cents worth if they have any suggestions for improvements or changes to the face. Registered owners will also receive ‘TypeRider,’ a quarterly newsletter dedicated to type design and the use of Fontographer.
To use Kathlita, drag the printer file (titled ‘Kathl’) into your System folder. Install the bit-mapped file (titled ‘Kathlita.bmap’) using Font/DA Mover, or Suitcase™. DO NOT put the printer file inside another folder in your System folder. Kathlita may also be installed directly in your printer or your printer’s hard drive using either SendPS, Font Downloader, or the LaserStatus DA. The additional file entitled ‘Kathlita.AFM’ contains kerning information and should also be placed in the System folder. This is optional. The typeface will function without it.
There is much confusion among Mac users about what the words ‘italic’ and ‘boldface’ mean. If you look closely at printed examples of many typefaces, you will notice that the italic characters are not merely slanted versions of basic typeface. The easiest place to spot the difference is usually the lowercase ‘a.’ The same is true of boldface characters. If a typeface has no italic or boldface version, the printer will either fake it by slanting and thickening the characters, or ignore the request (as is the case with Zapf Chancery).
Kathlita does not currently have separate italics or boldface versions. For italics, you will get Kathlita oblique. Bold appears as a thickened version of the basic typeface. I hope to eventually develop satisfactory italic and bold versions of this typeface. The oblique type is an acceptable substitute for true italics, but I do not recommend the use of bold letters in the typeface’s current configuration.
Pop Void Publications is a desktop publishing and laser printing service in San Francisco. We, from time to time, print various small publications, and also help others layout and assemble their publications. Kathlita is only one of several fonts that we have created. For more information, send a SASE to the address shown above.